Configuring Office Online Server with SharePoint 2016

October 18, 2021

tags: powershell sharepoint 

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© 2024 Chris Odegard


This page includes notes about the installation and setup of Office Online Server

What is OOS?

Office Online Server, formerly known as Office Web Apps Server, provides the ability to view and edit Office files in the browser using Skype for Business, Exchange, and SharePoint on premises. Basically the same functionality you get with Office 365. Full details can be found here.

How to get the installer package

The first step is to log into your Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) and go to the Downloads and Keys section. If you do not have access to the VLSC, ask for permissions from someone who does in your organization. Note: Office Online Server requires a Volume Licensing Account.

Once there, you may think searching for Office Online Server is the next step, but that won’t turn up any results. Instead, locate “Office Professional Plus 2016” in your Product list and select Download.

Next, select your download options. For Download Method, I suggest “Download Manager” to ensure the download won’t be corrupt. Choose your language, but Operating System Type will be irrelevant.

Finally you will be presented with a list of downloads, and there will be “Office Online Server”! Click the download button.

The last step will be to get the product key. Simply click Key next to “Office Professional Plus” and you will see your key for “Office Online Server”.

Install Process

Below is a very general overview of the install process for OOS.

  1. Add required Windows Features and Roles to the Server
  2. Install OOS from media
  3. Install updates (kb4011027)
  4. Get a certificate from the Certificate Authority server (DEV) or purchase an SSL certificate (PROD) for the OOS Server’s external url ( and import it to the Personal Certificate Store on CONTOSO-OOS.CONTOSO.COM.
    • Don’t forget to grant the Network Service account access to the cert’s private keys (Local CA only)
    • Export the cert to the SharePoint WEB server (Local CA only)
  5. Create the OWA Farm with PowerShell
  6. Configure the Farm with PowerShell
    • On OOS Server, Set OWA Hosts
    • On OOS Server, Set OWA Excel BI Server
    • On WEB, set the WopiLegacySoapSupport property for the Farm
    • On WEB, set the WOPI Zone to external-https
    • On WEB, create SPWOPI Bindings pointing to the OOS Server

Required Windows Features and Roles (Windows Server 2016)

These features and roles must all be installed on the OOS server before OOS itself can be installed. The prerequisites for earlier versions of Windows Server are different, but not documented here.

  • Web-Server
  • Web-Mgmt-Tools
  • Web-Mgmt-Console
  • Web-WebServer
  • Web-Common-Http
  • Web-Default-Doc
  • Web-Static-Content
  • Web-Performance
  • Web-Stat-Compression
  • Web-Dyn-Compression
  • Web-Security
  • Web-Filtering
  • Web-Windows-Auth
  • Web-App-Dev
  • Web-Net-Ext45
  • Web-Asp-Net45
  • Web-ISAPI-Ext
  • Web-ISAPI-Filter
  • Web-Includes
  • NET-Framework-Features
  • NET-Framework-45-Features
  • NET-Framework-Core
  • NET-Framework-45-Core
  • NET-HTTP-Activation
  • NET-Non-HTTP-Activ
  • NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45
  • Windows-Identity-Foundation
  • Server-Media-Foundation

Target Server



  1. Run the below PowerShell to install necessary Roles & Features on the server

Windows Server 2012 R2

Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server,Web-Mgmt-Tools,Web-Mgmt-Console,Web-WebServer,Web-Common-Http,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Static-Content,Web-Performance,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Dyn-Compression,Web-Security,Web-Filtering,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-App-Dev,Web-Net-Ext45,Web-Asp-Net45,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Filter,Web-Includes,InkandHandwritingServices,NET-Framework-Features,NET-Framework-Core,NET-HTTP-Activation,NET-Non-HTTP-Activ,NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45,Windows-Identity-Foundation,Server-Media-Foundation

Windows Server 2016

Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server,Web-Mgmt-Tools,Web-Mgmt-Console,Web-WebServer,Web-Common-Http,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Static-Content,Web-Performance,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Dyn-Compression,Web-Security,Web-Filtering,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-App-Dev,Web-Net-Ext45,Web-Asp-Net45,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Filter,Web-Includes,NET-Framework-Features,NET-Framework-45-Features,NET-Framework-Core,NET-Framework-45-Core,NET-HTTP-Activation,NET-Non-HTTP-Activ,NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45,Windows-Identity-Foundation,Server-Media-Foundation
  1. From the OOS, run the below PowerShell to import the OOS Module

    import-module “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps\AdminModule\OfficeWebApps\OfficeWebApps.psd1”
  2. Install OOS on the server’s C:\ drive. Use the version bundled with Office 2019 Pro Plus (in Volume License Sevice Center)

  3. From the OOS, run the below PowerShell to create a new OWA Farm:

New-OfficeWebAppsFarm -InternalUrl ""  -AllowHttp -EditingEnabled

###Important Parameters

  • InternalURL
  • ExternalURL
  • AllowHttp
    • $true
  • CacheLocation
    • D:\OfficeOnlineServer\d
  • CacheSizeInGB
  • EditingEnabled
    • $true
  • ExcelRestExternalDataEnabled
    • $true
  • OpenFromUrlEnabled
    • $true
  • OpenFromUncEnabled
    • $true
  • RemovePersonalInformationFromLogs
    • $true
  • RenderingLocalCacheLocation
    • D:\OfficeOnlineServer\waccache

Alternate command

New-OfficeWebAppsFarm -InternalURL "" -AllowHttp:$true -EditingEnabled:$true -CacheLocation "D:\OfficeOnlineServer\d" -ExcelRestExternalDataEnabled:$true -OpenFromUrlEnabled:$true -OpenFromUncEnabled:$true -RemovePersonalInformationFromLogs:$true -RenderingLocalCacheLocation "D:\OfficeOnlineServer\waccache" -Verbose

  • Output:
FarmOU                                       :
InternalURL                                  :
ExternalURL                                  :
AllowHTTP                                    : False
AllowOutboundHttp                            : False
SSLOffloaded                                 : False
CertificateName                              : OOS SSL
S2SCertificateName                           : OOS Cert
EditingEnabled                               : True
LogLocation                                  : D:\LOGS\ULS
LogRetentionInDays                           : 7
LogVerbosity                                 :
Proxy                                        :
CacheLocation                                : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Working\d
MaxMemoryCacheSizeInMB                       : 75
DocumentInfoCacheSize                        : 5000
CacheSizeInGB                                : 15
ClipartEnabled                               : False
OnlinePictureEnabled                         : True
OnlineVideoEnabled                           : False
TranslationEnabled                           : False
MaxTranslationCharacterCount                 : 125000
TranslationServiceAppId                      :
TranslationServiceAddress                    :
RenderingLocalCacheLocation                  : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Working\waccache
RecycleActiveProcessCount                    : 5
AllowCEIP                                    : False
OfficeAddinEnabled                           : False
ExcelRequestDurationMax                      : 300
ExcelSessionTimeout                          : 450
ExcelWorkbookSizeMax                         : 30
ExcelPrivateBytesMax                         : -1
ExcelConnectionLifetime                      : 1800
ExcelExternalDataCacheLifetime               : 300
ExcelAllowExternalData                       : True
ExcelUseEffectiveUserName                    : True
ExcelWarnOnDataRefresh                       : True
ExcelUdfsAllowed                             : False
ExcelMemoryCacheThreshold                    : 85
ExcelUnusedObjectAgeMax                      : -1
ExcelCachingUnusedFiles                      : True
ExcelAbortOnRefreshOnOpenFail                : True
ExcelEnableCrossForestKerberosAuthentication : False
ExcelAutomaticVolatileFunctionCacheLifeTime  : 300
ExcelConcurrentDataRequestsPerSessionMax     : 5
ExcelDefaultWorkbookCalcMode                 : File
ExcelRestExternalDataEnabled                 : True
ExcelChartAndImageSizeMax                    : 1
OpenFromUrlEnabled                           : True
OpenFromUncEnabled                           : True
OpenFromUrlThrottlingEnabled                 : True
PicturePasteDisabled                         : False
RemovePersonalInformationFromLogs            : False
AllowHttpSecureStoreConnections              : False
Machines                                     : {CONTOSO-OOS}
  1. Confirm that the Farm was created successfully by visiting http://contoso-dev-sql2/hosting/discovery. “If Office Online Server is working as expected, you should see a Web Application Open Platform Interface Protocol (WOPI)-discovery XML file in your web browser.”

  2. “If you’re planning to use the Secure Store service in SharePoint Server in an HTTP environment, there’s a parameter that you need to set to enable this. (If you’re not planning to use Secure Store in SharePoint Server with Excel Online, you can skip this step.)

    When Office Online Server attempts to refresh data in a workbook or ODC file that is stored in an HTTP path, that data refresh will fail if you have not configured Office Online Server to allow Secure Store connections over HTTP.

    Use the Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm cmdlet to configure the Secure Store over HTTP settings:”

    Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm -AllowHttpSecureStoreConnections:$true
  3. On an SP Server, open an elevated PowerShell prompt and run the below command, using the Fully-Qualified Domain name of the OOS server (

    New-SPWOPIBinding -ServerName <WacServerName> -AllowHTTP -Verbose
  4. Confirm that the WOPI Zone is set to internal-http. Forst, run Get-SPWOPIZone to see what the current zone is. If it is not internal-http then run the below command to change it.

    Set-SPWOPIZone -zone "internal-http"
  5. Confirm that the AllowOAuthOverHttp setting is set to True. “To use Office Online with SharePoint Server 2016 over HTTP in a test environment, you need to set AllowOAuthOverHttp to True. Otherwise Office Online won’t work. You can check the current status by running the following example.”


    If this command returns False, run the following commands to set this to True.

    $config = (Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig)
    $config.AllowOAuthOverHttp = $true

    Run the following command again to verify that the AllowOAuthOverHttp setting is now set to True.

  6. Enable the Excel SOAP API “The Excel SOAP API is needed for scheduled data refresh with Excel Online, and for Excel Web Part rendering. To enable the Excel SOAP API, you need to add the WopiLegacySoapSupport property to the SharePoint Server farm properties using by PowerShell. The input parameter is the URL to ExcelServiceInternal.asmx. This URL can address multiple OOS servers via load balancing. Simply replace the with your Office Online Server path.”

    “To enable the Excel SOAP API, run the following PowerShell with the URL of your Office Online Server farm. (For example,”

    $Farm = Get-SPFarm
    $Farm.Properties.Add("WopiLegacySoapSupport", "<URL>/x/_vti_bin/ExcelServiceInternal.asmx");
  7. Finally the OOS should be working. Open a document library in SharePoint and create or edit a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint document to confirm.

  8. Follow instructions on the following page to establish trust between the OOS Server and SharePoint. Configure server-to-server authentication between Office Online Server and SharePoint Server 2016

    1. On OOS, get a self-signed certificate from the Certificate Authority (e.g. CONTOSO-CA-01-CA) through Microsoft Management Console

    2. Import the Certificate into the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities”, as well as the “Personal” directories

    3. Export the Certificate to somewhere accessible from DEV-WEB (the SharePoint Web Front-End Server)

    4. Still on OOS, Use the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to grant the network service permissions to use the private key. (Link)

    5. On the SharePoint Server, specify the S2S certificate for Office Online Server with PowerShell (Link)

    6. Configure SharePoint Server to use the certificate for server-to-server authentication (Link)

      • Must be run twice, once for SQL and once for SharePoint. The GUIDS to use are given, but you must still specify the name of each server.

SSL Certificate

We purchased an SSL Certificate for from Entrust on 5/19/2019, which is valid for 1 year. This certificate is installed on CONTOSO-OOS.CONTOSO.COM.

  • The friendly name for the certificate is OOS SSL
  • Note that the SSL Certificate is bound to the OOS Server’s IIS site when you update the CertificateName property of the Farm using Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm. In other words, do not manually bind the SSL certificate to the IIS site! Just let the PowerShell cmdlet do it for you.

Create the OWA Farm (PowerShell)

# Config
$InternalUrl = ""
$ExternalUrl = ""
$CertName = "OOS SSL"

# Create the farm
New-OfficeWebAppsFarm `
-InternalURL $InternalUrl `
-ExternalURL $ExternalUrl `
-CertificateName $CertName `
# -S2SCertificateName $CertName `
-AllowHttp:$false `
-AllowOutboundHttp:$false `
-EditingEnabled:$true `
-OnlinePictureEnabled:$true `
-ExcelAllowExternalData:$true `
-ExcelUseEffectiveUserName:$true `
-AllowHttpSecureStoreConnections:$false `
-OpenFromUrlEnabled:$true `

# Set which domains are allowed to make requests
New-OfficeWebAppsHost -Domain "CONTOSO.COM"
New-OfficeWebAppsHost -Domain ""
New-OfficeWebAppsHost -Domain ""
New-OfficeWebAppsHost -Domain ""

# the SSAS server
New-OfficeWebAppsExcelBIServer -ServerId

Add OWA Hosts (PowerShell)

This step is necessary to let the OOS Server know which domains are safe to accept requests from. Run the below PowerShell on the OOS Server:

New-OfficeWebAppsHost -Domain "CONTOSO.COM"
New-OfficeWebAppsHost -Domain ""
New-OfficeWebAppsHost -Domain ""
New-OfficeWebAppsHost -Domain ""

Enable the Excel SOAP API (PowerShell)

The Excel SOAP API is needed for scheduled data refresh with Excel Online, and for Excel Web Part rendering. To enable the Excel SOAP API, you need to add the WopiLegacySoapSupport property to the SharePoint Server farm properties using by PowerShell. The input parameter is the URL to ExcelServiceInternal.asmx. This URL can address multiple OOS servers via load balancing. Simply replace the with your Office Online Server path.

To enable the Excel SOAP API, run the following PowerShell where is the URL of your Office Online Server farm. (For example,

$Farm = Get-SPFarm
$Farm.Properties.Add("WopiLegacySoapSupport", "<URL>/x/_vti_bin/ExcelServiceInternal.asmx");

Ad Hoc configuration

These steps were taken after the above to troubleshoot the OWA server.

Add domains

Use the New-OfficeWebAppsHost cmdlet to add as a domain.

New-OfficeWebAppsHost -Domain "" -Verbose
New-OfficeWebAppsHost -Domain "" -Verbose

Add Excel BI Server

This is a server with Analysis Services installed that handles Excel BI operations.

New-OfficeWebAppsExcelBIServer -ServerId "CONTOSO-DEV-SQL2"

From the documentation:

The New-OfficeWebAppsHost cmdlet adds a host domain to the list of host domains to which Office Online Server allows file operations requests, such as file retrieval, metadata retrieval, and file changes. This list, known as the Allow List, is a security feature that prevents unwanted hosts from connecting to a Office Online Server farm and using it for file operations without your knowledge.

Configure Analysis Services EffectiveUserName in Excel Online

EffectiveUserName is a SQL Server Analysis Services connection string property that contains the name of the user who is accessing a report. In Office Online Server, you can use this property in conjunction with Excel Online to pass the identity of the user who is viewing the report to Analysis Services. This allows per-user identity without the need to configure Kerberos constrained delegation.
- Connect to Analysis Services on the OWA Server using the 2016 version of SSMS, right-click the server name and select properties, then go to the Security Page - Add `SP16_Farm` & `SP16_Services` as Administrator user accounts - Add `CONTOSO-DEV-SQL2` as an administrator Computer Account - Run the below command in PowerShell to enable EffectiveUserName ```powershell Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm -ExcelUseEffectiveUserName:$True ```

Forcing OOS to use TLS 1.2

This is a security measure. According to documentation:

Using TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 with Office Online Server requires strong cryptography in .NET Framework 4.5 or higher.

This involves setting several Registry Keys so that SSL 2.0 & 3.0, and TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are disabled on the server. Follow the instructions on this page to do it: Enable TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 support in Office Online Server

Updating Office Online Server

Somewhat inconveniently, installing an update to OOS requires re-creating the OOS farm. Therefore the server running OOS should be configured not to automatically install updates. According to documentation:

If Office Online Server updates are applied automatically, users may be unable to view or edit documents in Office Online. If this happens, you have to rebuild your Office Online Server farm.

How to update a single-machine farm

  1. Remove the machine from the farm using Remove-OfficeWebAppsMachine on the server where OOS is installed
  2. If the update is a new release of OOS (i.e. you downloaded an install disc from the Volume License Center) then uninstall OOS completely, restart, and reinstall from media. Otherwise, just install the patch file.
  3. Re-create the farm with New-OfficeWebAppsFarm and apply options to configure it the same as it was before the update

Config Gotchas

Below is a list of (possibly untrue) options that I learned, through trial and error

  • It is not necessary to configure SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer entries or App Principal permissions on the SP WEB server (the official documentation makes it seem like these are required steps, but in fact they are not.)
  • The S2S Certificate configuration steps are also not necessary, even though the documentation makes it seem like they are.
  • Use external-https as the WOPI zone so that the OOS Server can be accessed from outside the LAN
  • When creating the OWA farm, do not move the locations of the log or cache files from the C:\ drive. For some undocumented reason, locating them elsewhere causes problems with OOS.
  • Add all possible domains for machines that are in the AD forest and might access the OOS server:
  • Set the WMI Performance Adapter service to Automatically start, and then restarted the WACS service (on OOS) PS> Restart-Service WACSM

See Also