PowerShell Timing

April 23, 2020

tags: powershell 

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© 2023 Chris Odegard

Recently I learned how to use timers in PowerShell scripts to track how long an operation is taking. I’ve started adding the below snippet to all of my long-running scripts so that when they’ve finished I can get a sense of how long it actually took.

The snippet has two parts:

  1. Start the timer
  2. Stop the timer and report on the duration
# Start the Timer
[DateTime]$ScriptStartTime = Get-Date

# Do stuff (script body)

    Chris's Fun End-of-Script Timing Snippet
$ScriptEndTime = Get-Date
$ScriptDuration = New-TimeSpan -Start $ScriptStartTime -End $ScriptEndTime
Write-Host @"
Start Time: $($ScriptStartTime.ToShortDateString()) $($ScriptStartTime.ToShortTimeString())
End Time: $($ScriptEndTime.ToShortDateString()) $($ScriptEndTime.ToShortTimeString())
Total Seconds: $($ScriptDuration.TotalSeconds)
Total Minutes: $($ScriptDuration.Totalminutes)
Total Hours: $($ScriptDuration.TotalHours)
"@ -ForegroundColor Magenta