Query for Benefit Hours in Deltek Vision

May 14, 2021

tags: sql deltek vision 

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© 2025 Chris Odegard


This page contains notes on retrieving Benefit (PTO) hours directly from the Vision database (Using Deltek Vision 7 on-prem).

Vision Tables

This query makes use of the following tables in dbo.[Vision]

  • [EMAccrualDetail]
  • [EMAccrual]
  • [EM]
  • [CFGAccrualScheduleDetail]



  • Weekly rate for PTO accrual, which is a certain number of hours per year divided by 52. Each employee has either a custom accrual rate (stored in [CFGAccrualScheduleDetail].[HoursPerYear]) or follows a PTO Accrual Schedule (stored in [EMAccrual].[ScheduleID]).

Sum of Earned

  • Sum of all earned hours for years previous

Sum of Taken

  • Sum of all hours taken in years previous

Starting Balance

  • One week’s earned hours, plus the sum of Earned hours for all years previous, minus the sum of all hours taken for years previous.

Current Balance

  • The sum of Starting Balance and hours earned for the current year, minus the sum of hours taken for the current year.

Earned for Current Year

  • The sum of hours earned for the current year, minus one week’s earned hours

Taken for Current Year

  • The sum of hours taken for the current year

SQL Query

This has not been tested with a wide variety of different users (with different accrual schedules) but it does produce the same numbers as Deltek does (for me, at least).

USE Vision;

-- Declare variables
    @CurrentUser nvarchar(255),
    @CurrentYear int,
    @EarnedForCurrentYear float,
    @TakenForCurrentYear float,
    @CurrentBalance float,
    @SumOfEarned float,
    @SumOfTaken float,
    @StartingBalance float,
    @Quantum float;

--  Set the current user by email address 
SET @CurrentUser = 'chris@contoso.com';

-- Get the current year from current date
SET @CurrentYear = YEAR( GETDATE() );

-- Number of hours earned per week, determined by the PTO ScheduleID in [EMAccrual]
-- Hours Per Year is stored in [CFGAccrualScheduleDetail].HoursPerYear if the employee 
-- uses a standard rate. Otherwise the number of hours per year is recorded in 
-- [EMAccrual].[HoursPerYear]. Since only one of these is ever used (the other is NULL or 
-- zero), adding them  together produces a valid result.
SET @Quantum = (
        [EMAccrual].[HoursPerYear] + [CFGAccrualScheduleDetail].HoursPerYear
    FROM dbo.[EMAccrual]
        LEFT JOIN [CFGAccrualScheduleDetail]
            ON [CFGAccrualScheduleDetail].[ScheduleID] = [EMAccrual].[ScheduleID]
        LEFT JOIN [EM]
            ON [EM].[Employee] = [EMAccrual].[Employee]
    WHERE [EM].[EMail] = @CurrentUser
) / 52 -- divide by 52 to get the weekly accrual rate

-- Set sum of earned PTO from previous years
SET @SumOfEarned = (
        LEFT JOIN [EM] ON [EM].[Employee] = [EMAccrualDetail].[Employee]
        LEFT([EMAccrualDetail].[Period], 4) <> @CurrentYear
        AND [EMAccrualDetail].[Code] = 'PTO'
        AND [EM].[Email] = @CurrentUser

-- Set sum of taken PTO from previous years
SET @SumOfTaken = (
        LEFT JOIN [EM] ON [EM].[Employee] = [EMAccrualDetail].[Employee]
        LEFT([EMAccrualDetail].[Period], 4) <> @CurrentYear
        AND [EMAccrualDetail].[Code] = 'PTO'
        AND [EM].[Email] = @CurrentUser

SET @EarnedForCurrentYear = (
        SUM([EMAccrualDetail].[Earned]) - @Quantum
        LEFT JOIN dbo.EM ON [EM].[Employee] = [EMAccrualDetail].[Employee]
        LEFT([EMAccrualDetail].[Period], 4) = @CurrentYear
        AND [EMAccrualDetail].[Code] = 'PTO'
        AND [EM].[Email] = @CurrentUser

SET @TakenForCurrentYear = (
        LEFT JOIN [EM] ON [EM].[Employee] = [EMAccrualDetail].[Employee]
        LEFT([EMAccrualDetail].[Period], 4) = @CurrentYear
        AND [EMAccrualDetail].[Code] = 'PTO'
        AND [Email] = @CurrentUser

-- The quantum plus the difference between all earned and taken PTO for previous years
SET @StartingBalance = (
    @Quantum + (@SumOfEarned - @SumOfTaken)

-- The sum of Starting Balance and hours earned for the current year, minus the sum of hours taken for the current year.
SET @CurrentBalance = (
    (@StartingBalance + @EarnedForCurrentYear) - @TakenForCurrentYear

-- Display results
    ROUND(@Quantum, 2) as 'Quantum'
    ,ROUND(@StartingBalance, 2) as 'Starting Balance'
    ,ROUND(@EarnedForCurrentYear, 2) as 'Current Year Earned'
    ,ROUND(@TakenForCurrentYear, 2) as 'Current Year Taken'
    ,ROUND(@CurrentBalance, 2) as 'Current Balance'
    ,ROUND(@SumOfEarned, 2) as 'Sum of Earned'
    ,ROUND(@SumOfTaken, 2) as 'Sum of Taken'
    -- ,@CurrentYear as 'Current Year',
    -- ,@CurrentUser as 'Current User'

Query Results

Starting Balance Current Year Earned Current Year Taken Current Balance Sum of Earned Sum of Taken
57.66 154.98 96 116.64 232.47 178.5