Bluebeam Scripting Notes

April 15, 2020

tags: bluebeam javascript 

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© 2024 Chris Odegard

Scripting in Bluebeam Revu

  • You need Bluebeam XTREME to write / edit scripts

Markup properties

The below was copied from the Bluebeam Script Reference 2018 PDF:

There are commands that return and accept string dictionaries containing key/value pairs of markup properties. The following keys are supported by those commands:

property description
type The type of markup such as square or polygon
page The page index that the markup occurs on
author The author of the markup
subject The subject of the markup
comment The comment of the markup
color The color of the markup
colorfill The fill color of the markup
colortext The text color of the markup
opacity The opacity of the markup from 0 to 1
opacityfill The fill opacity of the markup from 0 to 1
rotation The rotation of the markup in degrees from 0 to 360
parent The markup id of the markup’s parent. Needed to understand the parent/child relationship of grouped markups
grouped Boolean value indicating if the markup is grouped
status The status of the markup, valid states are “Accepted”, “Rejected”, “Cancelled”, “Completed”, and “None”
checked Boolean value indicating that the markup is checked or unchecked
locked Boolean value indicating that the markup is locked or unlocked
datecreated The creation date of the markup
datemodified The modified date of the markup
linewidth The width of the line in points where 72 points equals 1 inch. For most
markups he range is 0 to 12.
linestyle The style of the line, valid styles are “solid”, “dashed1”, “dashed2”, “dashed3”, “dashed4”, “dashed5”, “dashed6”, “cloudy1”, and “cloudy2”
x The x coordinate of the markup in points where 72 points equals 1 inch
y The y coordinate of the markup in points where 72 points equals 1 inch
width The width of the markup in points where 72 points equals 1 inch
height The height of the markup in points where 72 points equals 1 inch
space The space defined in the PDF that the markup resides in (read-only)
layer The layer that the markup is assigned to (read-only)
captureCount The number of capture images and video attached to the markup(read-only)


This following example will run a script named myscript.bci, which will open a PDF file, import markups, flatten the markups, and then save and close the file.

ScriptEngine.exe Script('myscript.bci')

Where myscript.bci contains:


Markdown Functions

The below functions can be used to interact with Markdown in a Bluebeam doc

  1. ColumnDataGet
  2. ColumnDataSet
  3. ColumnsExport
  4. ColumnsImport
  5. Export
  6. Flatten
  7. Import
  8. MarkupCaptureExport
  9. MarkupCopy
  10. MarkupDelete
  11. MarkupGet
  12. MarkupGetEx
  13. MarkupGetExList
  14. MarkupList
  15. MarkupPaste
  16. MarkupSet
  17. MarkupThumbnail


Retrieves the Custom Column data associated with a particular markup and returns the data for more than one column as a string dictionary, or a single column as a string.


pPageIndex [Number]: Page Index of the markup pMarkupID [String]: ID associated with the markup pColumn [String, Optional, …]: Column name for which the data is associated


ColumnDataGet(0, "NDFJKXLKJKLDFY");
ColumnDataGet(0, "NDFJKXLKJKLDFY", "Material", "Subtotal");


Retrieves the Custom Column data associated with a particular markup and returns the data as a string dictionary.


pPageIndex [Number]: Page Index of the markup pMarkupID [String]: ID associated with the markup pColumn [String, Optional, …]: Column name for which the data is associated


ColumnDataGetDict(0, "NDFJKXLKJKLDFY");
ColumnDataGetDict(0, "NDFJKXLKJKLDFY", "Material", "Subtotal");


Sets Custom Column data for a particular markup.


pPageIndex [Number]: Page Index of the markup pMarkupID [String]: ID associated with the markup pData [String]: Custom Column data as a string dictionary


ColumnDataSet(0, "NDFJKXLKJKLDFY", "{'Material':'Glass'}");


Exports the Custom Column definition of the active document to an .xml file.


pFileName [String]: Filename to export the columns into




Imports a Custom Column definition .xml file into the active document overwriting any existing Custom Columns. An .xml file can be generated by either the command ColumnsExport, or from within Bluebeam Revu.


pFileName [String]: Filename of the Custom Column definition .xml file to import into the active document




Exports the markups in the active document to the specified output file optionally using a User ID to filter on.


pOuputBAX [String, Optional]: Filename to export the markups into pUserID [String, Optional]: User ID as used in bFX File Exchange to filter on when exporting markups


Export("output.bax", "12345");


Takes the active document and flattens all markups to be part of the page content.


pRecoverable [Bool, Optional]: Specifies whether or not the flatten process is reversible pFlags [Number, Optional]: Specifies what type of markups to flatten Default = 8191 Image = 1 Ellipse = 2 Stamp = 4 Snapshot = 8 Text and Callout = 16 Ink and Highlighter = 32 Line and Dimension = 64 Measure Area = 128 Polyline = 256 Polygon and Cloud = 512 Rectangle = 1024 Text Markups = 2048 Group = 4096 File Attachment = 8192 Flags = 16384 Notes = 32768 Form Fields = 65536 Add together all values that should be flattened pPageRange [String, Optional]: List or range of pages to be flattened, -1 will flatten all pages, exp: 1,2,10-20 pLayerName [String, Optional]: Layer Name to flatten markups to Example Flatten() Flatten(true) Flatten(true, 9) % Flattens Images (1) and Snapshots (8)


Imports the markups from list of files specified as parameters into the active document.


pBAXorPDF [String, …]: Filename of a bax or pdf file to import into the active document


Import("markups1.bax", "markups2.bax" ...)
Import("revA.pdf" ...)
Import("markups1.bax", "revB.pdf" ...)


Exports the photos and videos attached to the markup.


pPageIndex [Number]: Page Index of the markup pMarkupID [String]: ID associated with the markup pFolder [String, Optional]: The folder to extract the attachments to. If the folder does not exist it will be created. By default the folder will be the markup ID


Returns an xml string that contains raw markup data that can be passed into MarkupPaste to be placed at a new location. If the markup is the parent of a group, then the whole group will be copied.


pPageIndex [Number]: Page Index of the markup pMarkupID [String]: ID associated with the markup




Deletes a particular markup from the active document.


pPageIndex [Number]: Page Index of the markup pMarkupID [String]: ID associated with the markup


MarkupDelete(1, "YIBKQIOZSROMNDGD");


Retrieves the properties associated with a particular markup that returns multiple properties as a string dictionary, or a single property as a string. Refer to the Markups section for description of the available properties.


pPageIndex [Number]: Page Index of the markup pMarkupID [String]: ID associated with the markup pProperty [String, Optional, …]: Particular markup property to retrieve


MarkupGet(1, "YIBKQIOZSROMNDGD", "subject");
MarkupGet(1, "YIBKQIOZSROMNDGD", "type", "comment");


Retrieves the properties, including the custom ones, associated with a particular markup and returns those properties as a string dictionary, or a single property as a string. Refer to the Markups section for description of the available properties.


pPageIndex [Number]: Page Index of the markup pMarkupID [String]: ID associated with the markup pProperty [String, Optional, …]: Particular markup property to retrieve


MarkupGetEx(1, "YIBKQIOZSROMNDGD", "subject");
MarkupGetEx(1, "YIBKQIOZSROMNDGD", "type", "comment");


Retrieves all of the properties, including the custom ones,for all of the markups on a given page as a string dictionary,or a single property as a string. Refer to the Markups section for description of the available properties.


pPageIndex [Number]: Page Index




Retrieves the list of markup IDs associated with a particular page.


pPageIndex [Number]: Page Index




Pastes a markup passed in as raw XML at the coordinates provided. The raw XML would have been returned from a call to MarkupCopy. Returns a list of markup IDs of the pasted markups.


pPageIndex [Number]: Page Index of paste destination pXML [String]: XML string containing raw markup data pX [Number]: X coordinate of paste location in points (72 points per inch) pY [Number]: Y coordinate of paste location in points (72 points per inch)


MarkupPaste(1, "< ... Raw XML returned from MarkupCopy( ... ) ...>", 144, 72);


Sets properties for a particular markup. The data is passed in as a string dictionary containing key/value pairs. Refer to the Markups section for description of the available properties.


pPageIndex [Number]: Page Index of the markup pMarkupID [String]: ID associated with the markup pData [String]: Markup properties as a string dictionary


MarkupSet(1, “YIBKQIOZSROMNDGD”, ”{‘comment’:‘The color is red’,‘color’:‘#FF0000’}“)


Generates a thumbnail of a markup. If the markup is the parent of a group, then the whole group will be rendered. Can have an extension of most common image formats including (.bmp, .png, .jpg …).


pPageIndex [Number]: Page Index of the markup pMarkupID [String]: ID associated with the markup pWidth [Number]: Desired width in pixels of output thumbnail image pHeight [Number]: Desired height in pixels of output thumbnail image pPercentage [Number]: Desired percentage of the thumbnail that the markup should cover pIncludePageContent [Bool]: Boolean value specifying if the thumbnail should include the background page content pFilename [String]: Filename of desired output thumbnail image pIncludeAllMarkups [Bool, Optional]: Boolean value specifying if all markups on the page should be included in the thumbnail


MarkupThumbnail(1, "YIBKQIOZSROMNDGD", 256, 256, 0.5, true, "thumb.png", false);